, is the first and only website in the
world that allows you to find all daily information regarding your country
(State/Country) published mostly by local newspapers, as simply and quickly as
possible! Thanks to its graphical interface, you will no longer need to do a
long and and exhausting search on Google to read the most interesting articles
relating to your home country (or any other country you may be interested in);
with a simple click on the selected country, you will find all the daily local
news in the twinkling of an eye … in the local language! (and in English, of
course). Today, thanks to Spreng's triangle, we know that there is a mutual
dependence between energy, time and information. Speeding up the process of
information dissemination means, ultimately, having more time and energy to
focus our attention on little-known contexts just waiting to be better
understood and processed. As John D. Barrow has already pointed out (in one of
his most popular books, “Impossibility.
Limits of science and the science of limits”): “If we have enough time, too much information is not useful, since we
can abandon ourselves into a random search, proceeding by trial and error. But
if our time is limited, then we need to know the right method to get things
done faster, and this knowledge requires a great deal of information. According
to Alvin Weinberg, this means that time is likely to become our most important
resource. Ultimately, the value of energy and information lies in the greater
freedom that they give us to better distribute our time”. And ensuring that
your valuable time, is not wasted on
unnecessary activities is exactly the purpose of the website!
Cooperation among viral variants helps hepatitis C survive immune system
Graph shows a cross-immunoreactivity network (CRN) composed of 100 viral
variants. Altruistic variants are shown in green, persistent variants in
red, an...
9 anni fa
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